Amazon Retail Arbitrage Guide


Whether you're diving into the world of Amazon selling for the first time or you're already a seasoned seller, this guide is your ticket to understanding Retail Arbitrage and diving into it!

Retail Arbitrage is a fantastic entry point for Amazon sales. Put simply, it's all about reselling and leveraging price differences between markets. What's awesome is that this method is incredibly budget-friendly—you can kick off with a little or a lot of money!

In this blog post, we'll cover everything about retail arbitrage—what it is, its upsides and downsides, how to get started, and ways to find products for your page!

What is retail arbitrage?

Arbitrage is like finding a sweet deal in one place and then making a profit by selling it for more somewhere else.

Think about finding a $5 product at Walmart and flipping it on Amazon for $20. Pretty slick, huh?

Some folks do this online, grabbing products at a lower price and then selling them for more on Amazon. It's all about buying low and selling high!

Let’s talk about retail arbitrage compared to other business models on Amazon?

  • Private label involves crafting your own product label or brand, often by tweaking an existing product available in the market. It's a popular Amazon selling method, highly lucrative, but usually demands some initial investment to kick off.
  • Wholesale entails purchasing products in bulk straight from a brand or distributors (not retail stores) for resale on Amazon, requiring startup capital as well. It's a sustainable business model allowing monthly order replacements and offers the advantage of being an authorized reseller, minimizing concerns about authenticity issues.
  • Dropshipping encompasses buying products directly from a manufacturer who handles order fulfillment and ships directly to the customer.
  • Handmade involves the creation or crafting of your own products specifically to sell on Amazon.

Pros and Cons of Retail Arbitrage


  • Costs less to start - You can really start with any amount of funds, but ideally $500 will get you started with enough products to sell.
  • Faster to start - With a little work up front you could launch in under a month.
  • Easy to find products - The world is your oyster of products. There are so many stores to choose from to source products from. 
  • Never have to “launch” - All the products you will sell are known brands, so you never have to worry about launching a product to the correct audience. The audience will find you.


  • Time-consuming - This method of reselling can be time consuming. You will have to source new products regularly for your store.
  • Varies in consistency - Profitable products might not always be found. One week you might source great deals and the next they are gone. 
  • Competition - You will be in price wars with other resellers and competing for the “Buy Box.”

So…Is Amazon Retail Arbitrage Worth it?

Okay, so imagine this: you stroll into a store, spot a killer deal on a product, buy it, and then sell it for a tidy profit on Amazon. Sounds like an awesome hustle, right?

Well, retail arbitrage on Amazon can be a bit like a thrilling treasure hunt. You're out there, scanning shelves, checking prices, and hunting for those sweet deals that can turn into real cash.

But hold on, it's not all fun and games. You've got to crunch some numbers, watch out for Amazon's rules (they've got a few), and stay on top of market trends.

And time? Yeah, you'll be spending a good chunk of that scouting deals, managing inventory, and making sure your profits outweigh the hustle.

Some folks swear by retail arbitrage – it's like a stepping stone into the e-commerce world. It's a chance to dip your toes in and learn the ropes before diving into bigger selling adventures.

But hey, it's not for everyone. Things change fast in the Amazon jungle, and what's a goldmine today might be yesterday's news tomorrow.

Now what you have been patiently waiting for…How to Get Started!

Before you start making money by flipping products on Amazon, your first step is setting up your Amazon seller account. Next, grab a product scanning app to scout for profitable items. Lastly, pick how you'll handle shipping—get it all sorted before you embark on your reselling journey!

  • Get you Amazon Seller’s Account
    • Make sure to sign up for an Amazon Seller’s Account if you do not already have one, it can take a bit of time to get approved to sell.
  • Download a scanning app (like Amazon Seller app)
    • This will be your main way to find retail products to resell. 
    • When you scan products using the Amazon seller app, you'll see multiple listings, the sales rank, whether you're permitted to sell that specific product, and it lets you input your purchase cost to figure out if it's a profitable deal.
    • This app also allows you to: keep track of your sales, look at and respond to customer messages, manage orders and returns, scan products, list products, etc
  • Choose your fulfillment method - FBA or FBMsome text
    • FBA - where Amazon handles the packing, shipping, and returns.
    • FBM - where you are more hands on with your business.
  • Utilize e-commerce tools (Jungle Scout)
    • Look at product trends and how a product sells over time, which is so important to track how profitable a product can be and during what time of year.
    • Jungle scout is an extension you can add to your chrome browser, making it easy to use!

How to Source Your Retail Products

After getting hold of the Amazon seller app, dive into product hunting! A fantastic starting point is hitting up your nearby 'big box' retail store or a discount outlet.

Some Stores to Locate Products:






Dollar Tree



Grocery Stores

Step by Step Guide

1. Pick a store to go to and start scanning

 Stepping into a retail store and scanning items with your phone might feel a bit daunting at first, but hey, everyone's been there!

With the Amazon seller app, tap the camera button in the top right corner.

It's like using your phone's camera. You can scan product packaging by using the app's camera to search by image or scan a barcode.

2. Look through the search results and choose the right product

Multiple listings can appear, make sure to go through them and select the correct product.

3. Analyze the Data

Analyzing data from the Amazon seller app is your secret weapon in the world of retail arbitrage. Here's how you can make sense of that data goldmine:

Sales Rank: This little number is your compass. The lower the sales rank, the faster the item is selling. Aim for products with a lower rank for quicker turnover.

Price History: Check out the price history graph. Is the price stable, or does it fluctuate wildly? Understanding price trends helps predict potential profit margins.

Competition: Look at the number of sellers and offers. High competition might mean a race to the bottom on prices. Fewer sellers could mean a chance to shine.

Product Reviews: Reviews tell a story. Are customers happy with the product? A high number of positive reviews is a good sign for a potential winner.

Restricted or Gated Categories: Some categories or brands on Amazon require special permissions. Make sure you're allowed to sell what you've found.

Profit Margin Calculation: Factor in all costs – purchase price, Amazon fees, shipping, and handling. Is there enough room for profit after these expenses?

Remember, it's not just about scanning items; it's about smart scanning. Take your time, analyze the data, and trust your instincts. Sometimes, the hidden gems might not scream 'profit' at first glance but can be your ticket to success with a bit of analysis.

4. How many units of the product should you buy?

Deciding how many units of a product to purchase, especially when there's a substantial quantity available, depends on your comfort level with risk. Let's say there are 40 FBA sellers, and the estimated monthly sales stand at around 6,000 based on the sales rank. To estimate potential monthly sales, divide the monthly sales by the number of FBA sellers.

For example: 6,000/40 = 150

This suggests you might potentially sell approximately 150 units of this product per month. However, this could fluctuate if new sellers enter the listing, the sales rank shifts, or the Buy Box price decreases.

If you're new to retail arbitrage or Amazon selling, it's wise to start with a smaller quantity of units to test the product.

5. What is your ROI or Profit Margin

Return on Investment (ROI) is the money you pocket that ideally surpasses what you initially poured into your business endeavor.

For instance, imagine you snag a product for $10, and after a sale, you rake in $12. Your ROI is the profit ($2) divided by your investment, equating to 20%.

Of course, shooting for the highest ROI is the goal. Not only does it mean more cash per sale, but it also gives you a buffer if the Buy Box price takes a nosedive.

The minimum acceptable ROI varies based on your preferences. Some sellers are cool with a smaller ROI (let's say 20%) if they sell the product within a month. On the flip side, others aim for at least a 50% ROI to make it worth their while.


In the world of Amazon retail arbitrage, opportunity often hides in plain sight on store shelves and online listings. As we wrap up this journey through the art of flipping products, remember that success here isn't just about scanning barcodes—it's about decoding data, taking calculated risks, and trusting your instincts.

The thrill of finding that golden product, the rush of making a profitable sale—these moments make the hustle worth it. But beyond the profits, this venture teaches valuable lessons in market analysis, risk management, and the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce.

Whether you're just starting or already navigating the terrain, keep exploring, keep adapting, and most importantly, keep learning. Retail arbitrage isn't just a side hustle; it's a training ground for the entrepreneurial spirit. So, embrace the hunt, relish the wins, and let each sale be a stepping stone toward your larger e-commerce aspirations.

As you step away from this blog, armed with insights and strategies, may your retail arbitrage journey be marked by discovery, growth, and an unyielding drive to turn those hidden gems into thriving business ventures. The world of retail awaits—happy flipping!


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