10 Ways to Make Money Now


Have you ever wanted to start a side hustle or add a little extra income into your pockets? Well here are 10 ways to start right now! 

Whether you're looking to earn some extra cash on the side or want to pursue a full-time income, these money-making strategies are sure to get you excited. From freelancing and selling online to revamping pre-loved furniture and crafting a high earning skill, there's something here for everyone. So, roll up your sleeves and let's dive into these incredible opportunities to make some serious money!

Cash Back Apps - 3 Easy Steps: Shop, Snap a Picture, & Upload that Receipt!

Ever thought about getting more out of your everyday shopping?

You have to shop, so  why not make money doing it?

Enter Cash Back Apps – your new shopping sidekick!

Some great apps to start using now: IBotta, Tada, & Fetch


Ibotta is a rebate app that offers cash-back on everyday purchases such as grocery items, self care items, and household products. 

It can range anywhere from a few cents per item to $5 dollars!

All you have to do is upload your receipt after you complete your shopping.


Tada is another cash-back app to add more savings to your bank account!

This one comes as a browser extension, partnering with over 3,000 retailers, it will automatically find savings for you.

You can shop online, sign up for special offers, and even print out coupons.

Redeem your cash-back through gift cards or PayPal.


Fetch allows you to make cash-back directly from your phone.

Purchase your items and scan your receipts to reap the rewards! Don’t worry about picking a specific store or a special item. Just simply scan your receipt and Fetch will do all of the work for you.

Added bonus - Referral Bonus for signing your friend up! Your friend signs up and earns 10 points in 7 days or less and you get 100 extra bonus points! Double-win!

There are plenty of cash-back apps and sites to get all of the bang for your buck when it comes to shopping. Using various apps can increase your ability to earn even more cashback. So what are you waiting for? Get to downloading and scanning those receipts!

Selling Clothing Online

You know that jacket sitting in your closet or those pair of shoes you never wear, but you just can't seem to let go? Why not sell them on Poshmark, Mecari, OfferUp, or Ebay to someone who would love to have them?

It's a win-win, you clear out your closet while making some profit and someone else gets to love that fashion piece you once did! Woohoo!

1 in 10 users earns at least $1,000 by selling second hand items!

What are you waiting for? Go check your closet!

Freshen Up Your Merchandise

Wash or dry-clean your clothing items before putting them on the market. 

Polish or clean shoes you are wishing to list.

Careful packaging can also prevent wrinkling or damage in transit.

Take Clear Photos

Make sure your pictures are taken in bright light (natural light works in a pinch) and are clear to the viewer. This will help your items stand out among the listings taken in dim lighting. 

Laying your items on flat, neutral colored areas or hanging them to display is the best way to go!

Write an Honest Description

Give basic information such as size, material, brand and the condition.

Presenting any small defects will help to preserve your reputation as an online seller.

Price Clothes to Sell

Do your research to see what similar items are selling for, to get a basis of how to price your items.

If your item is not selling, try dropping the price slightly.

You would be surprised at what items you have lying around your house that other people would pay to own. Thrifting has always been an interest to shoppers looking to score a good deal. Go check and see what is in your closet!

Flipping Pre-Loved Items

We have all seen those videos circulating social media showing individuals flipping household items and selling them for profit. They will pick up a dresser for little to no cost and put some effort into restoring the item. They dress it up and take pretty pictures before listing it and boom, cha-ching.

Supplies Cost Money

You are trying this side hustle to make money not spend money, but to get started out sometimes you need to spend a little to set yourself up. If you really want to go the low to no cost route, see what items (such as paint, paint brushes, sand paper, glue, etc) you either have lying around your house or that you could get on clearance. 

If you are looking to invest a little in the start up your money should go to quality paint brushes, sanding sponges, quality paint, cleaner to strip the wood, and some basic tools. These items can make the process easier and contribute to your final product being a higher quality. 

Where to Find Your Flipping Pieces

Yard Sales or Facebook Marketplace: easy and cheap, but be careful about how you choose to meet with the seller, only opting for public locations.

Goodwill or Thrift Stores: these stores are constantly cycling through products, see when they get their restock and go to get the older items.

Estate Sales: these can be a fun outing, although items might be priced higher than the other mentioned places.

If you want to start right away, go to Facebook Marketplace,  type in "free", and look at all of the items that pop up. Pick one, make a plan, and get to work. You have to do it to learn how to get better.

Closing for a Company

Remote closing has been growing rapidly since the pandemic. Many companies rely on remote salespeople to make and close deals for their companies. These remote sales can include finalizing deals, agreements, and signatures through virtual means and eliminating the need for face-to-face interactions. Remote closing can be very lucrative because you are not confined to one geographical location or even to one type of company.

Build Trust with The Customer

This is especially important for remote closing, you have to have an even stronger rapport to make up for the lack of face-to-face/personal interactions. Focus on active listening, understanding the customer’s needs, and clear communication.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Technology is your most valuable ally. You will need it in all of your remote transactions, so leverage it to your advantage. Communicate via talk, text, and even video conferences. The most access your customer has to you, the better your rapport will be, and the easier it will be to close the sale.


Lack of physical presence with your customers can be tricky to navigate, but by using your technology correctly and maintaining clear communication this issue can be handled. Managing technical glitches will be important, it is your greatest tool and must be emphasized through perfect setup. Time zones could be another potential challenge. Make sure you are communicating clearly and setting your calendar up to benefit your customers. 

Remote closing has redefined the sales realm. Now there is no need to confine your sales to one location or product. There are many companies in various fields that need confident and successful salespeople to promote and close sales all across the country.

Affiliate Marketing

This is the hottest new side hustle in the market. According to Forbes, affiliate marketing makes up for 15% of E-Commerce sales. You’re probably wondering, well how do I get started then? Here are 5 tips on starting affiliate marketing!

Choose You Brand Wisely

Not all brands are considered equal. Make sure the brand and item you wish to use in your affiliate marketing matches your values and image for your own brand. Some key takeaways to consider are choosing quality over quantity, only choosing partnerships with brands who have solid landing pages, and considering promoting digital products. 

Know Your Audience

Promote items that match your audience's immediate needs and wants. Don’t sell them camping equipment if they are looking to refresh their wardrobe or enhance their skin care routine. 

Trust is Key

Customers can smell scammy marketing or dishonest ads/promotions a mile away. Your best bet is to be open and honest with your audience. If the product you're promoting is something the audience is looking for, they won’t mind seeing trustworthy promotions of it. Trust brings loyal customers, who will keep coming back. 

Ad Strategy

Make sure to stay up to date on knowledge of the product you are promoting. This will help you create meaningful content and target it appropriately. Keeping on top of trending techniques and content creation can help you stay ahead too.

Quality Content

Content is what brings customers to your page/website. Creating view worthy content (meaning quality over quantity) will do way more for you in the long run than pumping out a multitude of mediocre content. As they say “Content is King.”

Selling on Amazon

Becoming an Amazon seller is a great route for creating a stream of income, that you can scale to your goals. Amazon offers two types of selling, Fulfilled By Associate (FBA) and Fulfilled By Merchant (FBM). Both are great for selling on Amazon, but do the research to see which fits your business and goal better!

FBA - Fulfilled by Associate

FBA means Fulfilled by Associate. Sellers send their inventory to Amazon and Amazon handles the storage, shipping, and returns. There are several other benefits to FBA such as Prime Eligibility, Customer Service, and Amazon Prime Day. 

FBA is better for sellers who wish to have large amounts of inventory, but remain relatively hands off with the storing and shipping of their products.

FBM - Fulfilled by Merchant

FBM means Fulfilled by Merchant. Sellers store their own inventory and handle the shipping and returns directly with the customer. FBM offers certain benefits, such as higher profit margins, customizable customer service, personalization, and a more hands on approach.

FBM is a great choice for sellers who want more control over their operations, have unique or personalized products, or are focused on cost efficiency.

Creating an EBook

Do you have an idea or a skill set you think would be valuable to other people? Put those ideas to work and create an EBook. There are EBooks available for almost any subject you can think of, why not try your hand at creating one?

Some possible subjects to write on are cooking, fitness, mindfulness, gardening, etc.

There are many platforms to publish your content on, such as KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) which is very easy for users to navigate.

Ride Sharing or Delivering Goods

If you are looking to make money right away, consider starting a side hustle on a ride sharing platform or delivering goods from a 3rd party to customers.

Uber and Lyft are great sources to make some quick extra cash using your own vehicle.

Doordash, Uber Eats, and Instacart are some great other options to deal more indirectly with the customer. 

You could even combine these two and do both simultaneously to double your earnings.

Assist Someone on a Project

Do you know what untapped skills you have? People are constantly looking for assistance on all sorts of projects. Think about family and friends or maybe fellow entrepreneurs who are looking for help in their businesses. These skills could range from physical production to digital marketing. Tap into those unused skills and hustle!

Provide a Service

This might sound too simple, but any skill or knowledge in a subject could be turned into an income source. Think about what you are good at and how you could market it to make money. Are you good at art, writing, cooking, editing, marketing, etc. The options are endless.

If you made it to the end of this blog post you are determined to turn a side hustle into a profitable income source. Make a plan, start small, never stop learning, and keep that ambitious nature that brought you this far. 

You got this!


Some Of The Most Frequently Asked Question


What is Female Financial Secrets?


Female Financial Secrets is a premier online platform dedicated to empowering women with the knowledge and tools needed for success in e-commerce and personal finance. We offer a variety of courses, resources, and tools tailored to help you thrive in your financial endeavors.


How can I access the Credit Secrets guide?


Our Credit Secrets guide is available for immediate download directly from our website. It provides in-depth strategies on maximizing personal and business credit. For access, visit here.


What will I learn in the Walmart Course?


The Walmart Course offers comprehensive insights into selling on Walmart, covering everything from setting up your seller account to optimizing your product listings for maximum sales. Detailed information is available here.


Are the resources suitable for beginners?


Absolutely! All our resources, including courses and guides, are designed to accommodate both beginners and seasoned entrepreneurs. We provide step-by-step instructions and insights that are easy to understand and apply.


How often are new resources or courses added to the website?


We consistently update our website with new resources and courses to ensure our members have access to the latest information and strategies in e-commerce and financial management.


What is the Product Lead Membership?


Our Product Lead Membership offers exclusive access to daily leads on top-selling products from major online marketplaces. This membership is designed to give you a competitive edge in product sourcing. Learn more about the membership benefits here.


Can I get personalized advice for my business?


Yes, we offer personalized consulting services as part of some of our premium packages. Our experts can provide tailored advice to help scale your business and improve your financial strategy. Contact us here for more details.


How does Female Financial Secrets support women entrepreneurs?


Female Financial Secrets is committed to supporting women entrepreneurs through education, resources, and a supportive community. We aim to empower women with the confidence and skills needed to achieve financial independence and business success.


What is your refund policy?


We offer a satisfaction guarantee with a specific refund policy for our digital products and memberships. Please review our refund policy here for detailed information.


How can I contact Female Financial Secrets for more information?


For further inquiries or support, please reach out to us via the contact form on our website. Our team is eager to assist you and ensure you have all the resources you need for success. Contact us here.

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